As many are ringing in the new year either sleeping or partying, I am a little reflective, (and cold, with the wind chill here it is -13 degrees). The year 2008 brought many challenges and joys. Some of you have listed things out, and I am going to steal the idea.
2008 brought:
-A great Florida getaway to get some well needed sun and fun with the "family"
-Lots of snow
-news that my "family" was moving
-prospects of moving to Chicago was on the horizon
-house on the market
-MY BABY MILO TURNED 1!! on Cinco De Mayo!!!
-I celebrated my "57th" birthday with great friends and family
-My first year as a middle school teacher ended, definitely a change from elementary school.
-I tearfully said goodbye to my beloved friends and family.
-I found out what it is like NOT to work over the summer. (Financially, not wise, but Emotionally very wise).
-Rebecca Payne got married, and is not Rebecca Lewis
-I visited the Illinois State fair for the first time, and WORKED MY ASS OFF painting and keeping others from going crazy. (oh i just looked, my ass is still here.)
-My loving sister had a beautiful wedding in Colorado. I was a bridesmaid, and Kim was the beautiful bride.
-My second year of middle school started.
-Said goodbye to my 1998 Nissan Sentra, crushed from a drunk driver. ugh.
-Friends helped me establish a stronger budget, (i am still working on that one!)
-Purchased a 2006 Toyota Camry, still getting used to it.
-Got a second job (again) at JC Penny in the Home Department, (right up my alley)
-Celebrated Thanksgiving with a new group of friends!!
-Had a dead tree fall in my yard
-Shoveled more snow
-Had the best ever Cookie Swap Party!!! (Karen and I are great hostesses!!)
-Got Christmas presents out before Christmas. (a big feat if you know me!)
-Developed new traditions for the holidays, spent with great friends.
You know, 2008 had a lot of tears, both happy and sad ones. God does have a plan for me. I definitely struggled with the notion of change and things that are out of my control. I get very uncomfortable with the "unknown" and have had to shelf that uncomfort. The struggles this year has only made me a stronger person, who is able to be more reflective of my relationships with people. God has provided me with a great support system across the states. Friendships strengthened with the distance of another. Phone calls got longer and more meaningful. Schedules have allowed me to put things on the calendar to look forward to something new.
As Jane said to me this season, "Karen, I want you to have to courage to bust out and meet someone, 2009 is your year!!
To that Jane, I raise my glass and shout, "2009 IS MY YEAR!!!!!"
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2009 IS MY YEAR!
Posted by Karen at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Tree Has Fallen, And it got up!
Okay, so freaky thing happened this week. I came home from JCP on Tuesday night and let Milo outside. The winds were kicking up, and I looked at the dead tree from behind my fence in my neighbors yard. I looked at it sway in the wind, looked at my fence and prayed. "God, please let that tree stand for a couple of more years so it doesn't cause any damage. If it needs to fall, let it fall gracefully and not damage anything large, expensive or hurt someone."
Freak thing, THAT NIGHT, or should I say early the next morning, I heard a bang and thought it was probably my trash can tumbling around near the house. I didn't think anything of it, until I let Milo out in the morning. Low and behold, THERE WAS THE TREE, DOWN IN MY YARD. The tree broke in the middle of its trunk and karate chopped one panel of the fence. No damage to the house, no damage to the whole fence, just one lonely panel, and that is only half way down. (the part of the fence that is still standing there is high enough that Milo can't jump over it.) I was a little stunned to say the least. I spent most of my prep period calling all over town trying to figure out who lived behind me. People kept telling me that it is the responsibility of the owner of the dead tree to remove the debris and mend the fence.
After a long morning, I finally found the access to the person's phone number and called. She was extremely nice and understanding. She said that when she got home her and her husband would investigate and determine who owned the tree. She called me back to let me know that her husband would come by and get rid of it today, (Thursday). I came home from class tonight and IT IS GONE!!!!
The fence needs to be repaired still, but the tree is gone. The only unfortunate thing...... I didn't get a picture of a huge tree in my yard. All's well.
It is another challenge that forces me to rely on God. As shitty as things can be sometimes, and I feel like saying, "ENOUGH ALREADY!!" God provides!!
Posted by Karen at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Which One Is the Turkey?

Posted by Karen at 5:41 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Top Design Here I come!
So I have had two days of training so far, mostly watching videos and such. The second day of training was learning the computer system, (not really that hard for me). After the three hour tutorial, you have to take a BIG test, and if you don't pass the BIG test, you have to do the tutorial all over again, NOT HAPPENING FOR ME. While taking the test, I did have some test anxiety. For every right answer I got, I would congratulate myself with a "Yes" or "Bonus". At the end of the test, I got 100%!!!! No retaking the tutorial for me!! I did say rather loudly in the large room, only occupied by me, YIPPEE I GOT 100%!! Someone in the hallway probably thought I was rather weird! Well, they must know me already!
So tonight I was the official "Greeter" and passed out bags to customers to put their shopping in so they could fill it up more. First, totally noticed that I need a different pair of shoes for their floor. Second, I really love shopping for other people! Although I was only a greeter and didn't really know the store, I decorated two peoples bedrooms, and one person's bathroom. I helped them pick out colors, with the full matching everything! I was an interior decorator inside. Top Design here is come!!!

Posted by Karen at 6:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Love Of Fall

Posted by Karen at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Money Stresses Me Out So I am Going to Rant
Normally I would write something really funny or entertaining for all to read, but today that is not going to be the case. This whole car situation has really thrown a quagmire in my finances. I have not been in this financial situation in a while. I am about one month behind on some bills, I am not sleeping, and I am still looking for another job. I know that God will provide, but this is truly stressful. Every time I think I am going to catch up, another bill comes in the mail that I can't pay right now. I will be able to pay it, just a few days after it is due or in a week when I get another pay check, and that has not happened in a while. I get stressed out knowing that there is going to be a car payment, new insurance bills, and I am not currently seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
I know that other people are feeling the same crunch, so I know that I am not alone in this battle, but honestly, sometimes I feel that way. Being an adult is not all that it is cracked up to be. Whatever happened to freedom and carefree living? Well it's not here, that's for sure. I am strangely addicted to television shows that show people never worrying about money, and I don't know if I will ever be in that position. I swear that it has taken a few years off of my life, and definitely given me a few more gray hairs, (of which I can't afford to get colored).
If only I could win the lottery, right? Isn't that what we all say? Good things happen to those who wait right? Well, I am waiting, and wish I had a spare dollar to play the lottery!
Posted by Karen at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Some Snazzy New Wheels, I think...
Well for those of you who are just reading this for the first time, I now have a new car. After a long month of headache and struggles, I am the owner of this 2006 Toyota Camry. This ordeal has kept me on my toes. For starters, I want to give a shout out to Tom Laird who was the mastermind in getting the car. Without his help, None of this would be very possible. He was amazing with everything and definitely did more than I expected. Thank you TOM!!
Yesterday I found out that the man who hit me, otherwise known as JMIII, plead out. I was unable to file my victim impact statement with the courts to render during his court hearing. So the guy got 600.00 in fees, 1 year probation, and 1 year suspended license, Me, I got a totaled car, a month of headaches, a broke bank account, another job for at lease 3 years and no money right not to see my friends in Illinois. Who got the better deal????
Well that aside, I have wonderful friends through all of this. It takes a rough moment to realize that God provides for me. He provided friends that came out of the woodwork to help me think things through. Jed and Beth helped me with a budget to understand where I was in this whole mess. Tom helped with the car purchase. Nate and Priscilla, Danielle, Jane, Tracy, and Karen (not me, but my friend) were my private drivers for a few days, of which I am deeply grateful. My parents heard a great deal of aggravation, but most of all, I harassed the Bortmess's with all this mess almost on a daily basis. (For that I am sorry, but I LOVE YOU GUYS!!)
(Gee, some of this almost sounds like an acceptance speech, perhaps it is, I am now accepting a new car, and another job for a while....ugh.)
Posted by Karen at 1:20 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The End of An Era

Posted by Karen at 1:13 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Is there Junk in the Trunk, or is the Trunk Junk?
Well, for those of you who do not know, last Wednesday September 10, I was minding my own business, driving home from open house at work, wanting to be home with Milo, watching T.V. when BAM, JMIII ran into me. UGH!! I was rear-ended coming off of the highway near my house. I was very calm and collected, (surprise surprise) called the police, and pulled over to the side away from the rest of the traffic. JMIII got out of his car, stumbled and insisted I not call the proper authorities. I was persistent about having the police deal with the situation. When they finally came, low and behold, JMIII was arrested on the scene for a D.U.I.
The story does not end there... I took my car into the auto body shop for them to look at it on Friday, and they informed me that I can't drive me car. So I get a rental. Monday I get a call from the rental office stating that my rental is not authorized and I must return it. Hello, did I mention that I can't drive me car??? They said because fault has not been determined. (For those of you who do not know, Massachusetts is a no fault state. So without the determination from a police report, no one is at fault.) I know what you are saying right now, just what I was saying... "JMIII rear-ended me and was arrested for a D.U.I, that is obvious fault!!" UGH!!
So fault is determined, on his behalf. Good, problem solved. NO!! The insurance company has now said that my car is a TOTAL LOSS!!! UGH again!! This time, I didn't keep my composure. I lost it. Not only was I rear-ended, but now perhaps may have no car. I am researching everything I can about salvaging my car and fixing it, or taking the total check and figuring something else out. Tony from the auto body shop is kindly going to make a full inspection of my car on Monday to help me determine if it is better to fix my car or to total it.
So my question is now, I know that I have junk in the trunk, but is the trunk junk?
Posted by Karen at 5:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Let me introduce my alter Ego
So I am now getting into the "new" age with blogging. I have "stalked" other people by reading their blogs, but was never really prepared to commit to doing it myself. I thought that today might be a good day to start. We shall see. Maybe I will be more committed to blogging than I am to going to the gym.
But let me introduce a new "alter Ego", Math Maniac Monica!!!
She is a super crazy game show host who joined the sixth grade today for a fun math review game. And let me tell you, she is way over the top!!! (Exhausting actually). See for your self....
I have found that perhaps I see why people act. They are able to be someone else for a while, and leave all the junk at the door. Lets face it, we all have junk, some is dirtier than others, but it is still there. Perhaps being "Monica" this morning helped me realize that it could be worse, or perhaps taught me a little bit about my qualities as a person. For whatever reason, I had fun being Math Maniac Monica today, and I will be waiting at the Red Carpet to receive my Emmy.
Posted by Karen at 6:27 PM 3 comments