Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Let me introduce my alter Ego

So I am now getting into the "new" age with blogging. I have "stalked" other people by reading their blogs, but was never really prepared to commit to doing it myself. I thought that today might be a good day to start. We shall see. Maybe I will be more committed to blogging than I am to going to the gym.

But let me introduce a new "alter Ego", Math Maniac Monica!!!
She is a super crazy game show host who joined the sixth grade today for a fun math review game. And let me tell you, she is way over the top!!! (Exhausting actually). See for your self....

I have found that perhaps I see why people act. They are able to be someone else for a while, and leave all the junk at the door. Lets face it, we all have junk, some is dirtier than others, but it is still there. Perhaps being "Monica" this morning helped me realize that it could be worse, or perhaps taught me a little bit about my qualities as a person. For whatever reason, I had fun being Math Maniac Monica today, and I will be waiting at the Red Carpet to receive my Emmy.


Anonymous said...

I'm the first person to comment on your new blog!!! And I must say, that's a nice look you've got going there Monica. Is that Project Runway or America's Next Top Model?!!!

kimbuckley said...

I absolutely love the Get-up! I am sure you are now the official "coolest teacher" at your school!!! I miss you!! Love, Kim

Becky said...

I am glad you have joined the world of blogging. Love the outfit!!