Well Thursday marked the end of an era. It is official, there is junk in my trunk, and the trunk is junk. I offic
ially turned over the title to my car, and am awaiting the arrival of the total check. It was a better financial decision for me. I am going to lease a car while putting a little money aside to buy a car in a couple of years. At least now, I will have air conditioning, even though we are heading into winter, UGH.

I was sad about my car. It has built a great deal of memories.
I had a lot of tears in that car, a lot of laughter and great adventures. In September of 2001 that car was loaded up with everything I owned and drove across the country here to Massachusetts. It drove the long, long, long, hours across Kansas a few times to visit my sister Kim in St. Louis. (I still say that Kansas is a state that would not be missed, there is nothing there and it is very flat.)

I just hope you were able to get the Hawaiian flower thing hanging from the rear-view mirror. I can't tell you how girly I felt when I would have to drive you car and that thing was hanging from the mirror!!!
Isn't it funny how attached we get to our cars?!? Good luck finding that perfect one to lease.
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