Monday, May 4, 2009

Boy do I have the Garden Bug!!

April break as come and gone. Work in the yard has fully begun. The house is clean, (or was) and now the garden has a bug. That bug is me!! I spent my April vacation cleaning it out and re mulching. Now I want to add more flowers. I have spent an endless amount of hours online looking at new flowers to plant, and I want to do it NOW!! Draw costs money. Danga problems. I want to have a full flowering garden full of beautiful flowers. I have a bug....the garden bug. Every time I go outside with Milo, I sit and stare at what and were I want to put new things. Unfortunately, I have been working every weekend, so I can't go anywhere to buy things and I am too hesitant to buy some from the catalogues I have received. There isn't a doctor around that can prescribe a medication to help with this bug. I have to wait it out and save money to buy the right flowers. I know there are some of you out there that feel this same are my help group!!