Friday, March 13, 2009

A Long Time

Okay, so I know that it has been a long time since I have blogged. For those of you who do it regularly, you deserve an award. It is very hard to sometimes get motivated. I thought I would blog regularly, but alas I have not.

I have now been home for a while, and have gotten back in the swing of things. My trip to Illinois to see my fabulous friends was just what the doctor ordered. Lots of laughter, a few tears, some paint, and you can't forget the wine. (we make a great painting team!!). I am truly blessed to have Matt and Lynda et al in my life. While I was there, I CHOPPED my hair off and donated it to Locks Of Love. I love my new do!!!!

The following video is my little man Ethan. It is such a joy to hear child laughter and he was particularly full of laughter this particular day. I was doing a version of "this little piggy" my mom used to do when we were kids. Icky Wee, Penny Rue, Rudy Whistle, Mary Tossle, and Big Old Tom Bumbo!!! Ethan thought it was hilarious and kept shoving his feet at me to do it again!! It brings laughter to me every time I watch it. Enjoy!