Well the birthday weekend is coming to a close, and honestly, I don't think that 30 is going to be all that bad. Just another day, but now a year wiser right? I have amazing friends that I spent yesterday and today with. They keep me grounded in life and make me laugh!! To all my friends who joined the party and those who were not here, you were here in spirit. Thank you!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
My baby is 2!!
Well Cinco De Mayo!!!

Thank you Mom and Kim for my beautiful baby!
Posted by Karen at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Boy do I have the Garden Bug!!
April break as come and gone. Work in the yard has fully begun. The house is clean, (or was) and now the garden has a bug. That bug is me!! I spent my April vacation cleaning it out and re mulching. Now I want to add more flowers. I have spent an endless amount of hours online looking at new flowers to plant, and I want to do it NOW!! Draw back....it costs money. Danga problems. I want to have a full flowering garden full of beautiful flowers. I have a bug....the garden bug. Every time I go outside with Milo, I sit and stare at what and were I want to put new things. Unfortunately, I have been working every weekend, so I can't go anywhere to buy things and I am too hesitant to buy some from the catalogues I have received. There isn't a doctor around that can prescribe a medication to help with this bug. I have to wait it out and save money to buy the right flowers. I know there are some of you out there that feel this same way...you are my help group!!
Posted by Karen at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
A Long Time
Okay, so I know that it has been a long time since I have blogged. For those of you who do it regularly, you deserve an award. It is very hard to sometimes get motivated. I thought I would blog regularly, but alas I have not.
I have now been home for a while, and have gotten back in the swing of things. My trip to Illinois to see my fabulous friends was just what the doctor ordered. Lots of laughter, a few tears, some paint, and you can't forget the wine. (we make a great painting team!!). I am truly blessed to have Matt and Lynda et al in my life. While I was there, I CHOPPED my hair off and donated it to Locks Of Love. I love my new do!!!!
The following video is my little man Ethan. It is such a joy to hear child laughter and he was particularly full of laughter this particular day. I was doing a version of "this little piggy" my mom used to do when we were kids. Icky Wee, Penny Rue, Rudy Whistle, Mary Tossle, and Big Old Tom Bumbo!!! Ethan thought it was hilarious and kept shoving his feet at me to do it again!! It brings laughter to me every time I watch it. Enjoy!
Posted by Karen at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The fun and joy!
So I have made a little trip out to Illinois to see my great friends, Matt and Lynda and the kiddos of course. I arrived on Thursday the 12th and it has been full of fun!! Yesterday Lynda and I went to the Feed Store for a great lunch in downtown Springfield. Then we treated ourselves to a pedicure. The chairs at the salon were FABULOUS!! Too bad it is cold outside, because the toes are ready to be out. But, unfortunately it is cold, so when we leave the house, they are covered with shoes and socks.
Posted by Karen at 11:43 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
x+y+w+z=chocolate cake

Posted by Karen at 4:38 PM 0 comments